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“The important point of spiritual practice is not to try and escape your life,
but to face it - exactly and completely."


Dainin Katagiri, 20th Century

Sunday Sitting and Service


The core of our practice is Sunday morning sitting and service.  This consists of two, 30-minute periods of sitting zazen, with a 10 minute period of walking meditation (kinhin). Zazen is followed by chanting and bowing practice.  


We begin promptly at 8:00, so you must be on your cushion by 7:55 am, since the door locks then for security purposes.  


If you'd like to come for the first time, please be sure you contact us at least 24 hours in advance so we can help you get settled in before the first bell.  

Thursday Zazen

Our Thursday evening format alternates between a facilitated class on a Dharma topic, and an opportunity to "just sit" together in zazen.  


Just sitting consists of two periods of 30 minutes of zazen, with 10 minutes of walking meditation (kinhin) in between.  Thursday class consists of 30 minutes of sitting, followed by a facilitated discussion on a Dharma topic.  


Thursday is an excellent entry point for newcomers, and we periodically offer a "Beginners Mind" class especially for those new to Zen practice. 


We always begin promptly at 7:30, so please be sure you're on your cushion by 7:25 pm, since the door locks then for security.  


If you'd like to come for the first time, please be sure you contact us so we can let you know when the next session begins and a few logistics on entering. 

Zazenkai - Day of Zen


As a way to nourish our practice more deeply, we periodically offer a Zazenkai, typically on a Saturday in the fall and spring.  


Zazenkai is open to anyone who would like to spend time sitting quietly in meditation, listening to a dharma talk, eating mindfully, and sharing in the community of the Sangha.


If you'd like information on future Zazenkais, please contact us.  



© 2015 by Baltimore Dharma Group

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